Saturday, 30 April 2011

Oops a daisy

Check out my boy! Had a bit of an accident at Sam's house! Went up to Sandra and Pete's for a BBQ for lunch. Within 10 minutes Scott and Sam had collided on the trampoline and the egg that came up on the side of Scott's head was enormous. However, Uncle Pete, the ex-army medic came to the rescue with this bandage and that and a dose of calpol saw Scott make a remarkable recovery (after a while of sitting with Mummy on the sofa right enough).

We're not long home. The kids are now safely tucked up in bed and I was going to make some cards tonight as I've got loads to do but it's a bit late now so I'll leave it for tonight and hopefully get cracking tomorrow.

Susan xxx

Thursday, 28 April 2011

And here we are

at the brink of yet another school holiday! Another 2 day week for me - I could get used to that lol. Still no further forward on the holistic thank you card..... but I think I might go with the Tim Holtzy type card I made for my friend's 40th. No crafting has taken place tonight. I've suddenly got to this time and I don't know what happened to the evening. :( Hopefully I'll have something to share tomorrow - I tell you what it won't be - a wedding card! This will be a wedding free zone tomorrow :D Susan xx

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Is this some kind of cup thing?

I've just asked Andy about the football that is currently on our screen. He said (with a very resigned tone and withering look) - it's the semi final of the Champions League. And I would know that how?!

So I think given that Andy is watching the football, I may retire to bed early as I had a very late night last night. (played my ds for a while before I went to sleep.... yeah, I know)

My friend Pauline came round to pick up the card for her Gran. She was very pleased with it, so I'm happy, job's a good 'un.

This is it!

Front view -

Whole card -

Close up of last 2 pages -
Cardstock - Stampin Up - Very Vanilla, Baja Breeze, Crumb Cake and Soft Suede
Paper - Stampin Up - Elegant Soiree
Stamps - Stampin Up Hostess set from current Mini, Stampin Up - Tiny Tags, Ladybug Crafts Ink Numbers and Sentiment set,
Ribbon - Stampin Up - Baja Breeze Seam Binding
Tools - Nestabilities (labels, but can't remember which number), Stampin Up Scallop Square Punch, Stampin Up Stampamajig, Sizzix - Yarn alphabet
Embellies - Stampin Up - adhesive pearls.
Before I go, I've been asked to do a thank you card for a friend's massage teacher from college. Something holistic?! Any ideas?!!! No, me neither ;)
Susan xx

Tomorrow already

and I never actually made it back to bloggyland today. Sorry! Just finished the card for my friend's Gran's 80th birthday. About 10 minutes ago it was 12.10! Now look at the time. I really must go to bed now. Have to remember to take a photo of the card before it is delivered :) Susan xxx

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Just a quickie for now

Go and join in the fun at Ladybug Crafts Ink TLT Challenge blog hop. Go on, you know you want to (and you'll want the stamps as well)

Monday, 25 April 2011

Something different

My friend was right, it was a lovely day!

We set off today and went to Bannockburn to do the National Trust for Scotland's Easter Egg hunt. Just wanted somewhere different to go!! Kids had a great time and Scott is now the proud owner of yet another sword. We went round the exhibition and came across a replica of Robert Bruce's helmet. Scott took great pleasure in trying it on..... He enjoyed wearing it so much that it was difficult to get it back off him, lol.

He also got his face painted as a dinosaur, I think the girl made a fab job of it, making it look like his mouth was the dinosaur's mouth :D I'm always full of admiration for face painters. It's not something I could do. After we'd eaten lunch we didn't feel like coming back home so we took a trip to Tillicoultry (which is where my Mum was from). I haven't been there for many years and it stirred up so many memories of being a little girl and visiting my Aunts and Uncles there.

Back to school tomorrow and work for Andy. I have a day to myself (ish) but I'm looking forward to coffee in the morning with Yvonne.

Gotta get some crafting done tomorrow, have a commission for an 80th birthday card for my friend's Gran.

Susan xxx

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Happy Easter

Hope you've had a good day. Felt kinda bad this morning when Andy gave me an Easter egg and I hadn't bought him one. However, I shared the egg with him and I've promised to go to Morrisons tomorrow to pick one up half price for him :p

The preacher at church this morning, during the children's sermon asked a couple of kids to go up and help him break a couple of hard boiled eggs. Craig was one of the kids he chose - only they weren't hard boiled at all. Thanks to the wonders of Google, David had pierced the egg and blown the insides out so that when the children managed to break the shells, they were empty. Just like the empty tomb on that first Easter morning. What good news!

Haven't actually managed any crafting today - although the dining room table is pretty much clear. I had a clear out of some ribbons today - I was quite ruthless, I chucked out bits of ribbon that were too short to do anything with and the bits of ribbon that I didn't like and would never use. Now if only I can apply that to the rest of the rubbish in the house, lol.

My friend is going off to Ayr tomorrow as she assures me it's going to be a beautiful day. I'm hoping she's right!

Have fun with your bank holiday Monday, whatever you do.

Susan xxx

Saturday, 23 April 2011

I like Fezes. Fezes are cool...

and so said the Doctor. He's back :D Can't wait for next Saturday now!!!

Been a funny old day on the weather front today, it was chucking it down this morning and then this afternoon the sun came out and it stayed that way ever since. Poor Scott sat at the window waiting patiently until he saw the sun, then when he saw the sun, we didn't see him for dust!!

Did a spot of tidying earlier - I put away all the clothes that for days I have moved from the floor to my bed, to the floor when I'm going to bed and so on.... so, they're all away now. Feeling very pleased with myself now!

A couple of cards to share just now, the first is the one I did last night for Yvonne's hubby's birthday today. I love this wee LoTV image of the boy snoozing under the tree with his paper. I've also used my new Top Note Sizzix die which is an SU exclusive die. I cut it twice to get this fancy shape.

This second card is the one I wasn't very happy with last night, it didn't start off to look like this. It was for a spots n dots challenge on Facebook. I found the paper when I was putting some other scraps of paper away and I thought, perfect!! I also challenged myself not to make a square card as that's all I seem to make these days. So, watch this space to see if I can keep up with no square cards for a while. I'm betting I can't!

The image in this card is the Gorjuss girl "Bumblebee" (I think that's what she's called), the ribbon is the new Seam Binding ribbon from SU in Baja Breeze.

Susan xx


It's been 3 days since my last post, well, almost. It's only just the start of the 3rd day.

And do you know what day it is today?! Yes, that's right, it's Doctor Who day :D Let joy be unconfined, the new series is back tonight. In just under 18 hours in fact..... not that I'm excited or anything you understand :p

Been a busy day today (Friday), took the kids to Pollok Park to do the NTS Easter Egg hunt and to run about the park with their friends. What a gorgeous day. Loads of people were there, many with far posher picnics than the one we had packed. They had tablecloths on the picnic benches, picnic baskets filled with food, bottles of wine.... etc etc, we brought our sandwiches out of plastic bags and there was not a drop of wine in sight!

Have just finished an evening of crafting with Sandra (the men are drinking beer at her house). Made (well almost made) a card for Yvonne's husband's birthday tomorrow (well, Saturday) and almost made a card for another challenge. Not very happy with that though so I suspect it will turn into something else.

Back later.

Susan xx

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

So much for a short week

Today could have been about 3 days all rolled into one!! Very long day at work or at least that's what it felt like, followed by a quick turnaround to go to Anchor Boys. Then at the end of the night the officer in charge wanted a meeting about the upcoming parent's night and a discussion about which boys were going to receive awards on the night. Poor Scott had to hang around until we were finished. Luckily, one of the other officers has a boy there so they were able to play together.

Then I came back and had my dinner, which was rotten so I hardly touched it. Now I'm starving :(

Now, I should really go to bed but here I am sitting on the laptop, again! I've just thrown together 3 cards for the boys' teachers for Easter. Way before the holidays I'd stamped these Penny Black images for them and they coloured them in. However, we never got round to putting them on cards so I started again after they'd gone to bed and did these. They can always make cards on Friday for Daddy. I've used my Stampin' Up! DSP bright stack as the paper in Pacific Point and I've used Pacific Point cs and also a bit of Tempting Turquoise cs. It's not my best effort but it's the best I could rustle up tonight.

Thanks to the lovely Ali, I'd like to enter this card in the Penny Black Saturday Challenge.

Susan xx

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

I'm confused..

had to go in to work this morning for a leadership course so I'm a bit confused and I keep thinking that this is Wednesday now! As a result of being stuck in the house yesterday and then being at work on a non working day I feel slightly cheated ont he days off this week. Never mind, the office is closed on Friday so at least it'll be kind of a short week.

Came back this afternoon and after I'd had lunch I sorted out all of my Stampin Up card into poly pockets in colour family order. Anal? Me? Never!!

I've not done any crafting tonight either as I'm just back in - went to Sainsbury's after dinner to get a fleece for school for Craig. Poor lad went in his winter jacket today and looked a tad warm when he came out of school! Anyway, they had 25% off their clothes so I bought him a fleece and lots of stuff for me too, lol

Susan xx

Monday, 18 April 2011

And they're back

at school, for 4 days.... then it's Easter!

Never mind, at least they got homework :)

Had to wait in today for Mr Brown (on account of his uniform) from UPS to deliver some Stampin' Up goodies. I hate it when I have to wait in. Even if I actually do want what I'm waiting in for. It's the thought that even if I wanted to, I couldn't go out. (and it's at this point that I've just remembered I should have taken my books back to the library today)

Mr B arrived about 1.30pm so I got time to have a wee look before I had to go and collect the cherubs from school. Haven't had a chance to have a play yet though. Watch this space

Got to see the new baby today, he's so gorgeous and squishy and his name is Fraser. Apparently Scott is very taken with him and wants one of his own. Ha, like that's going to happen.

It's my brother in law's birthday in a couple of days. Set out to make his card and have ended up making two for him!! See if you can tell which is the one that we're sending him.


Susan xx

Sunday, 17 April 2011

2 posts, 1 day. Go me ;)

The kids are out playing, the husband is at the football (well, not technically now, he's in the pub), I'm having some peace and quiet and a cuppa (we'll not mention the Wagon Wheel I also just had). Took the kids to Asda (I'm a good mum eh?!) and now all the shopping is lying in the living room ready to be put away. Later..... maybe when the husband falls over it when he comes back, lol.

I know I've been talking about this for days and I really was going to tidy up the dining table of all the craft stuff on it and around it but as TH will not be home for dinner, I'm going to leave it and when the kids have gone to bed early tonight in preparation for a hard week (sorry, 4 days) at school I shall do some crafting :D

This is the card I've made for our neighbours. Told you it was similar to the little girl one I did earlier in the week. Can't decide which one I like best! The reason for the ribbon at the side of the image is because when I cut it using a label nestie I didn't check where I was cutting so there was too much white space on the left hand side of the baby. See, no such thing as a mistake ;)

The card and present are all ready to be delivered. Scott is just waiting for his wee pal to come back in so that he can deliver it himself. Awwwww.


You'll be pleased to know that normal service has been resumed. The children are back to normal ;)

Can't believe that the holidays are nearly over. Back to school next week, well for 4 days at least

Not had a good day on the crafting front. Sat down to colour an image for our neighbours who had a wee boy the other day. I liked it when I'd done it but then I wasn't sure, so I've just coloured in a different image which has made it on to a card not too dissimilar to the girl one the other day, although if something was going to go wrong with putting it together it did! But there's no such thing as a mistake in crafting, just design features!! Now I'm not sure whether I liked the other image more. Ah, indecisions, indecisions...

Depending which one I go with I'll share them with you tomorrow. Got another couple of things I'm working on just now too, images are coloured, none of which have made it to being actual cards yet

Susan xx

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Last night

of peace and quiet and no fighting children, lol!

Craig is due back tomorrow around 5, looking forward to it, but remind me I said that when, after 5 minutes, the fighting has begun again

Scott had a friend round today and while they were playing I set out to tidy up the dining table. But then I sat down and started colouring in an image and I made a wee thank you card for someone I contacted through the internet and she's placed an order for Stampin Up with me. And I've just remembered that I forgot to take a picture of it! D'oh.

So anyway, I never actually got round to tidying up. Maybe one day eh?!

Susan xx

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Found the cable

It was where it should be, in the laptop bag! Should never really tidy up should I?! This is the photo of my cakes from last night's class. And I have to say they were absolutely delish! May have to make some more now.......

So, it's Wednesday and I know that there's a whole Whats On Your Workdesk Wednesday thing goes on. I sat down to make a card earlier, so I thought I'd share with you what the table looked like before I started.........

Anyway, out of that chaos, I managed to create this..... It's for my friend who had a baby girl last night at 9.20pm. Baby Maya Lily weighed in at 7lb 9oz. It's been a long haul for Kate and Steve so I'm so chuffed that Maya is here now and I'm sure that Jake will make a fantastic big brother. I've used the Ladybug Crafts Ink Baby Baby stamp, coloured with promarkers and copics. Labels are cut out with nesties and the 3 strips of pink card have been embossed with Swiss Dots. The wee sentiments are from the Stampin Up set Tiny Tags and punched out with the jewelery tag punch.

I'm in the mood for some more card making tonight so you never know what I might come up with. Although I may have to tidy the table first......

See you tomorrow.

Susan xx

Monday, 11 April 2011

Missions failed

Mission 1 - sneak Scott aboard the BB minibus on the way to camp

Mission 2 - leave Scott in the monkey house at Edinburgh Zoo, hoping that no one would notice the difference.....

Never mind. We'll just need to keep him ;)

Had a good weekend. The sun shone on Sunday and we spent most of the day in our friends' garden in Edinburgh. Topped off with our first BBQ of the year. Hoping it won't be the last. Scott is full of plans to have one tomorrow but not really sure that's going to happen as normal service has been returned with the weather..

Today we went to the zoo. It was a good day, although it rained every now and again and I never saw a tiger :( Maybe they'd all gone to Sophie's house for tea.

Thinking of getting up to do some crafting. Or not, maybe, lol.

See you tomorrow.

Susan xx

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Deepest apologies!

I did have something to share with you!

This is a card I made as an acceptance card for a family wedding in June. I wanted something a wee bit different and went through loads of different ideas before I finally settled on this one.

Summer's here

Well, maybe. It's been a beautiful day here. Kids have made the most of it and have played outside most of the day. I love when they come back in mucky and rosy cheeked cos they've had so much fresh air! Hopefully the weather will keep up but you never know it could be winter next week, which is very very likely

Have packed Craig's bag for going away with the Boys' Brigade tomorrow. They're off to Birmingham til Friday. The programme that has been arranged for them looks fab and I've no doubt that they will all have a ball (officers included). As a fellow BB officer I was asked if I wanted to join them but I declined. Politely. Well, actually, I laughed hysterically and said "no chance", lol

Been at the 2nd Stampin' Up mini experience event today. Another good day, not quite as stressful as last night and no one came along to chuck us out!

I was full of good intentions to craft tonight. Downloaded a digi stamp from Mo Manning and was going to colour it in to to with the My Minds Eye Stella and Rose paper that Cass gave me for my birthday. However, I've sat here, one eye on the laptop and one eye on the tv. The free memory on the sky+ box is dwindling so we're trying to catch up with some viewing. We've done a Hawaii 5-0 and now we're on Blue Bloods (my personal fave). Lovin' Tom Selleck in the role as the Police Commissioner.

We're off to Edinburgh tomorrow afternoon to visit with friends. We're staying the night so I'm guessing I won't be blogging (or crafting tomorrow). Enjoy the rest of your weekend and I'll speak to you again on Monday.

Susan xxx

Friday, 8 April 2011

I'm not sleeping...

words just spoken by my husband when in actual fact, he was snoring!!! He is, apparently, watching tv..... Mmmmm. I think not.

Was helping out at a Stampin Up! Mini Experience event in Newton Mearns tonight which was good fun. Apart from the standing about waiting on someone coming to let us in cos they say they never had a booking. Grrr.. Never mind. It was a good night, I think enjoyed by all the ladies (and one gentleman). Met up again with the gorgeous Kerry from Ladybug Crafts Ink, which was lovely. And I think we almost got into trouble from Susan one of my fellow demos for talking too much! Oops.

Wanted to share the cards I got for my birthday this year. This first one is from Sandra. The image is entirely accurate as I spend a lot of time on the laptop!! She's used a digi stamp called Checking Facebook.

This next one is from Yvonne. I much prefer this more glamorous image (if slightly inaccurate version) of me. She's used Martini Nikki from Ladybug Crafts. I shared this photo with Kerry earlier too.

The last one is from Cass. I just love Cass' colouring and aspire one day to be as good as her!

Thank you ladies. Your cards are much appreciated and I love them all. Mwah. xxx

TFL. Speak to you tomorrow.

Susan xxx

Thursday, 7 April 2011

*sneaks in under the wire*

Phew, made it and didn't miss out a day! (yeah, just!)

Been a busy and frustrating day at work. Some people just need spoon fed everything..... I shall say no more. Suffice to say I ranted to Sandra when we met up earlier.

Been crafting this evening with Sandra, she had a very productive evening. I, however, did not :(

Managed one card and as I can't find the usb cable for the phone I can't share it with you. Although I did try and tidy up my craft stuff but it kinda looks worse than when I started. Not sure how that happened.

I'll have a look for it tomorrow. It's too late now! I also took photos of the lovely cards I got for my birthday so I shall share those with you too.

Catch you tomorrow.

Susan xxx

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

It's been a day of 2 weather fronts

left the torrential rain in Glasgow for an altogether more sunny, spring (almost summer if you live in the West of Scotland) day in Birmingham!

I'm back now. And I should have been out tonight with a couple of friends seeing a comedian, Susan Calman, at the Citizens theatre. Unfortunately I forgot about it when I agreed to go to Birmingham :(

May need to treat myself to a spot of crafting tonight just to cheer myself up. Or maybe I'll just get in my pjs and read my Kindle!!

I'm sharing a card today that actually has no purpose at the moment. I just made it cos I wanted to try out my red promarker!!

Think she might be called Ladybug Tilda. But on the other hand, maybe she's not, lol!! Catch you tomorrow.

Susan xxx

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Peace and quiet

wow, how easy is this kids being on holiday lark?! Yeah, right!!! I'm only saying that cos they went to the kids club this morning and as they were leaving the guy said they were on at a different place this afternoon between 2 and 4, cue much shrieking from the boys and their 2 friends so they're all away again this afternoon

I'm trying to spend the time productively *whistles* I've found a lost pj top down the back of one of the boys' drawers. Now I'm trying to tidy the spare/play room but I've kinda lost the will and the tidy up fairy and decluttering fairy are nowhere to be seen!

Went to CraftWorld this morning and bought some more promarkers *screams with excitment*. Now, that would be productive if I got my craft stuff out..... No, I must press on with the tidying. Got a card to share today that I'm sending to a very special girl. It's my friend's wee girl. A few weeks ago she had a sale of some of her more treasured possessions so that she could raise some money for the people of Japan and then last night she made her Brownie promise. Lauren, you're a little star!
Catch you tomorrow.

Susan xxx

Monday, 4 April 2011

Day 1 done....

of the holidays that is!!!

Took the kids to a holiday club running in one of the local primary schools. They were there for a couple of hours this morning with some friends and there were lots of people there that they knew so they had fun. In fact even before they'd gone in they wanted to go back tomorrow!! If that's not a good recommendation I'm not sure what is

After we picked them up we took them to Macd's for lunch and then to a local soft play place where they had a fab time. Once we came out of the soft play, the sun was shining so by the time we got home they were able to go out and play. Hopefully they will sleep well (and long) tonight

I was going to start some spring cleaning tonight but I'm afraid I know cba so it will need to wait........ until next spring lol

If the kids are going to the club again in morning I might make a start while they're away.

It's one of the guys at work's birthday tomorrow so I've made him this card using the new Motorbike stamp from the Stampin' Up Mini, I've used Versamark to stamp it as a watermark on the actual card itself, I'm quite pleased with how it turned out.

Catch you tomorrow.

Susan xxx

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Double celebrations!

Not only is it Mother's day - it's my birthday too!! Happy birthday to me. 21 again :p

I hope all you mums out there have had a lovely day and been treated well! I was served breakfast in bed this morning - and was brought lots of lovely presents - including some Tim Holtz stuff and a Kindle!!!! I was really surprised at the Kindle. I've spent most of the rest of the day trying to work out how to connect it to the internet... and in doing so I managed to break the internet. Oops.

One phone call to Talk Talk though and t'internet was restored. The guy also helped me connect the Kindle. Unfortunately now he's away, it disconnected from t'internet and I can't reconnect :( Suggestions gratefully received)

This is a card I made for a friend whose birthday it was yesterday. I've used the Fun and Fast Notes Stampin' Up set which I always forget is there but it's such a great wee set!

I'm going off now to round up the cherubs. I suspect they will need thrown in the shower as they've been outside since we got back from swimming lessons!!

Once I've done that and had a cuppa I think I'll go and play with my new stuff :D

Catch you tomorrow.

Susan xx

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Busy day...

I was taken out for lunch today by all of my boys. We decided to go today instead of tomorrow as lots of restaurants have special (ie more expensive) menus on for Mother's day. Not good when you have to share your birthday with Mother's day!! Lunch was very nice but I'm still stuffed!! I also had a text this morning from my lovely friend Cass who I'd posted the new Stampin' Up! Mini to. She said she had a card for me so when we were on the way back from lunch I met up with her at Starbucks. Not only did she give me a beautiful card (which I'll take a photo of and post later) but she gave me some Copic Markers and some of the gorgeous new Stella and Rose My Minds Eye paper. What a lovely thought, thank you Cass xxx Anyway, I'm going off now to do some crafting. I think I deserve a wee time to play now. Susan xx

Friday, 1 April 2011

Yay.... it's the holidays.....

11 days they're at school in the next 6 weeks! 11! That's 11!! I'm not going to rant anymore..... Well, in this post anyway :p So, had a day off today as it was the school service and I always like to go along. I was supposed to be making a birthday card today for someone's birthday tomorrow. Sadly, today has just kinda slipped away from me. Oops. Was at a class at Craftworld last night. It was Altered Art 1 run by the lovely Karen. Great class, I felt like crap though so I'm not sure I did it justice. Looking forward to Altered Art 2 now and I realised this morning that it's a good job Karen is away on holiday and the dates were changed. The next one should have been on Maundy Thursday - I have communion duties. *hangs head in shame for forgetting* I was also reminded this morning by a friend telling me that I hadn't missed anything exciting, that last night I should have been at a Congregational Board meeting last night. Now, I knew that I'd double booked myself but I meant to put in my apologies *continues to hang head in shame*. I really should write things in my diary and then look at it!!! Ideas for improving my memory are gratefully accepted. Made this card for a guy at work whose 30th birthday is on Sunday. We're birthday twins. (well, we would be if I wasn't just 29 :p) If you can't make out the sentiment it says "Put your big girl panties on and deal with it"...

Anyway, I'm away off to...... oh, I can't remember but I'm sure it wasn't housework.....


Susan xx

Bunny Chit Chat

Hello. This cute wee bunny seems to be chatting to friends.  This  Whimsy  image by Sassy Cheryl is such a cutie!  Bunny Chit Chat and Every...