Monday, 11 April 2011

Missions failed

Mission 1 - sneak Scott aboard the BB minibus on the way to camp

Mission 2 - leave Scott in the monkey house at Edinburgh Zoo, hoping that no one would notice the difference.....

Never mind. We'll just need to keep him ;)

Had a good weekend. The sun shone on Sunday and we spent most of the day in our friends' garden in Edinburgh. Topped off with our first BBQ of the year. Hoping it won't be the last. Scott is full of plans to have one tomorrow but not really sure that's going to happen as normal service has been returned with the weather..

Today we went to the zoo. It was a good day, although it rained every now and again and I never saw a tiger :( Maybe they'd all gone to Sophie's house for tea.

Thinking of getting up to do some crafting. Or not, maybe, lol.

See you tomorrow.

Susan xx


~ Ali Robertson ~ said...

I love tigers white especially (no surprize there then roflol)

Glad you had a great day!

Ali x

craftyrufus said...

Did you see the Pandas?

mixamatoasties said...

@ Ali, that does surprise me, lol

@ Ruth the Pandas don't arrive til July :(

Sweet Stampin' Challenge

Hello. This week's theme at  Sweet Stampin'   is Masculine Makes.  It actually started last week, however, I'm running a little ...