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Sunday, 31 May 2009
Party on
It's been another gorgeous day here. Very warm!
Had a family party for Scott this afternoon which was lovely. He had a good time playing with his friends and got some lovely birthday presents.
Managed to make his cards last night (well probably it would be more accurate to say early this morning) Once I find the cable I'll post pictures of them, I was quite pleased with them (for a change).
I really need to go tidy our bedroom cos I just moved stuff from other rooms on to our bed so if we want to go to bed some time this evening it had better get done. Also need to wrap Scott's pressies too.
Saturday, 30 May 2009
It's been very very warm today! Summer has come at last. Been at Loudon Castle for the Sunday School trip all day. A great time was had by all.
Boys are out playing in a friend's garden just now, you'd think they would be knackered, but oh no, they must have had a second wind.
I must go and tidy the house - we're having a wee family party for Scott's birthday tomorrow afternoon although it isn't his birthday till Monday. And I really should get some cards made for him cos I doubt I'll feel like it tomorrow night ;o)
Friday, 29 May 2009
Bad news day
Just got news that a friend's mum died earlier this evening so I'm feeling a bit sad for her.
We'd just found out that Mixu has resigned as Hibs manager when we got the other news. Mixu's resignation seems a bit trivial now but I'm sad about that too.
Pray that tomorrow is better xx
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Will the 2 small boys in bed
please go to sleep! Grrr, they're both tired, why won't they go to sleep?!
The girls are coming round tonight for our usual crafting Tuesday. Got some cards to make so should really get on with them, 4 at the last count (including one for a certain DS who will be 4 on Monday).
It's funny but I am the woman quoted as saying "I don't scrapbook", and now, I can't be bothered making cards and just want to get on with some lo's. Inspire me someone.
Been a busy day, went out for a very long walk first thing with my friend, Liz. It's great to get exercise in the fresh air and a gab while you're about it. This afternoon I had to go up to the church as it was my week on the gardening rota.
I am knackered now after all that fresh air. I'm hopeful of a second wind though cos I really need to get on with these cards.
Susan xx
Monday, 25 May 2009
How you remind me...
I can't believe I haven't posted this already but Nickelback were amazing! I hope there was no one of a nervous disposition there as there was a lot of banging with fireworks going off!! Never a dull moment eh?
Sunday was the Sunday School promotion and prizegiving service at church. As Craig is going in to P4 he was promoted to a different class. The friend I was sitting beside kindly provided me with a packet of hankies but (and this is very unlike me) I didn't need them!
We had intentions of getting up this morning and going through to visit Edinburgh Castle but we never made it. Don't think DH or I had the energy to get there. Ended up going to see Bolt at the Odeon kids club. We met Sandra, her mum and the kids there so the 4 kids pleaded to be able to play together after lunch and being the lovely parents that we are we agreed so Sandra and the kids came down after lunch which was good.
I've managed to upload some more pages, some are finished, some are not.
This is a lo of my mum aged around 2-3(I'm guessing), she's on a beach somewhere carrying her potty. Can't think of a title and am thinking of embellishing it a wee bit further with some more flowers (poss nesties) under the photo.
Scott and his friend Igglepiggle on a sea front ride in Scarborough on holiday last year. Still a title to go on it but haven't thought of it yet.
This is a photo of my Dad (in the middle), his cousin and his uncle. Just to add the journalling.
Saturday, 23 May 2009
The sun has come out...
at last! It's been a bit of a dreich old day here.
Craig has had a friend round to play this afternoon and Scott went round to play at Sam's house, so it's been a bit of a quiet one round these parts.
Went round to Sandra's last night for a couple of lemonades... felt very very dodgy this morning. Must have been the onion rings ;o)
Off to see Nickelback tonight which should be good.
As I sit here I look at the mess that 2 boys have caused and I should probably tidy up but hey, ho. I'll leave it til later.
Not much crafting done this week apart from a truly horrible card I made for a friend's sil's wedding. My friend asked for a Cath Kidston style card, which I have achieved but it is so not to my taste. It's pink and flowery, should have put some butterflies on it too, that would have made it even more horrible!! So, I will not be posting that effort up here.
Got some ideas for some pages so hopefully will get some crafting done over this long weekend.
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
No time for housework...
After yesterday's exertions I have done no housework today :D
My friend came round for me at 9.20am this morning and we went for a very very long walk. So long, in fact, that I only just made it back here in time to get the car and collect Scott from nursery at 11.15. Think that should do on the exercise front till next week ;o)
So, that's housework and exercise covered for the week. More time to devote to crafting.... I wish.
Kirk Session meeting tonight and it was predicted to be a long one so I had to postpone our usual crafting session until tomorrow night. The prediction came true and I got home from the meeting at 9.55, so I had a cuppa and a read of my book. Don't think I'll be doing any crafting tonight though.
Monday, 18 May 2009
Monday Monday
And what a busy bee I've been! With the boys at school and nursery I decided to tackle the mess that was the cupboard in our bedroom. There is now space to put everything in it and we don't need to have the ironing table, washing basket and hoover every time we need in to the cupboard. I even found my driving license (which has been missing for ages).
Scott went to a friend's house after nursery and then around 12.30 his wee friend's mum phoned to ask if it would be ok to take Scott to the transport museum! I accepted her kind offer and had time to myself up till 3 when I collected Craig from school.
I'm now going to settle down with a cuppa and DCI Gene Hunt. What could be better on a Monday?!
Sunday, 17 May 2009
Rain rain go away...
Where did the summer go?! It's been raining for a few hours non stop now (at least I got the washing in before it started though)
Turned up at the swimming pool for Scott's swimming lesson, got him changed and then discovered that there were no swimming lessons on today. Grrrr!! They said "oh we told you last week", er, if you had I don't think I would have turned up!
Lovely roast dinner tonight, thanks to my aunt for bringing it and to DH for cooking it. Lovely.
Showed my aunt the page I've done of my dad and a couple of other men and the one I've done of my dad, my aunt and my grandparents. She was able to tell me some stories behind the photos and gave me an idea for the title of one of them :D I hope I can capture the stories in my journaling. And as that's in my mind maybe I should go craft.
My lovely friend Sandra made me a beautiful ideas book for my birthday (which was in April) and today I actually wrote something in it! Better late than never eh?!
Saturday, 16 May 2009
It's the weekend!
And thank goodness for that. Busy week at work even if I do only work 3 days. Wasn't in the office at all and spent Thursday and Friday in the Edinburgh office.
Still haven't managed to title those lo's I did the other night *hangs head in shame*. Maybe tonight ;o) I had to make a birthday card last night for my friend's birthday today. I do like to put pressure on!!! Never make a card today when absolutely last minute will do.
Went shopping earlier this morning with my £10 Braehead voucher so I bought myself some books in the 3 for 2 at Waterstones, I'm a happy bunny :D As the weather was so rotten this morning, after I came back, we went back to Xscape and took the boys bowling (Craig got a bowling voucher for his birthday and this was us just getting round to using it). We finished there and went for lunch to the China Buffet King (kid's suggestion), bleugh, I hate that place!
Any road, I've uploaded some more photos.... these ones are just of Craig.
Thursday, 14 May 2009
An award
From the lovely Cass, thank you xxx Go to her blog and check out her gorjuss cards ;o)
And, as kind of promised - these are the only lo images I have on the laptop, didn't manage to title Tuesdays work yet and my camera seems to be acting up a bit :o(
This is the boys on holiday a couple of years ago with giant chocolate coins!!

Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Productive Night
I was very productive last night. Did 4 layouts, they just need their titles putting on them and they'll be ready for show! Now, all I have to do is get myself up out of this seat and get the pages out and I really have no excuse for not doing it as DH is away out to watch the Hibs game.
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Busy day
Can't believe it's Tuesday already - I hate Tuesdays like people hate Sundays as Wednesdays are my first day at work :o(
Had a picnic in the garden at lunchtime with Scott and then we went to collect Craig from school. Craig got his eyes tested and my friend looked after Scott while we went - the chances of monkey boy sitting still while Craig was getting his eyes tested were slim to non existent.
Out early this evening for a Pirates and Princess sponsored walk for Christian Aid. Boys had a great time and they were absolutely knackered, however, they both seem to have had a second wind and they are currently chatting in bed....
I'm off shortly round to a friend's for some crafting. Usually the girls come to me but we're having a change of venue this week. I'm sure it will be a late one as usual and then work tomorrow.....booooooo... :o(
Monday, 11 May 2009
It's summer!
Well, it feels like that when you get a bit of sun in Scotland and lets face it we don't often see it that often.
Been at a parent council meeting tonight at the school. Hadn't been for a while so it was good to catch up. The head was telling us about her budget per pupil for this year. Shocking! We were discussing, amongst other things, about arranging stuff for the kids for the end of term. Wish i was still at school, they sound like fun.
Not much done in the way of crafting for the past couple of days. That said I did throw together a card for a friend's daughter who will be 14 tomorrow. Got some old magazines out last night and made some sketches of lo's I'd like to try - got this month's Scrapangels kit last week and within a day I'd produced a fab lo (even if I do say so myself) but when I tried to do another it just wouldn't come together. Hoping the sketches will help.
Sunday, 10 May 2009
Woosh, the weekend's almost gone..
and where did it go?! Busy day yesterday - went to the Spring Papercraft Extravaganza at my local craft shop (Craftology) first thing. Bought some goodies (couple of Hello Kitty sizzix dies, Hero Arts coupon stamps and the PB Dino Party stamps). After I came home from there the boys and I went over to my friend's house for lunch and a play. She has 5 boys so my 2 were loving it!!
Then, very late last night, I decided to sort out my paper stash. Bad idea. I gave up around 1am having only achieved a mess on the living room floor.
Church this morning and then swimming lessons to get to. While DH was at lesson with DS2 I managed to sort the paper!! Wayhay ;o) I went for pattern and then colour sorted within the pattern. Yes, I know that's very sad, but I did discover lots of things I'd forgotten about. Thinking of going to do some crafting now. And maybe, if I work out how to do it, I'll upload some photos later (or tomorrow).
Saturday, 9 May 2009
Dipping a toe in...
to the world of blogging. Never done anything like this before, wasn't even good at keeping a diary as a child!!
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Bunny Chit Chat
Hello. This cute wee bunny seems to be chatting to friends. This Whimsy image by Sassy Cheryl is such a cutie! Bunny Chit Chat and Every...

Morning all. Eyes down, it's time for a new challenge at Creative Craft Challenges . This fortnight our theme is Bingo and...
Morning all. Here I am with my new Monday slot for Visible Image (I've changed from Wednesday!) So today I'm sharing a card ...