Wednesday, 29 October 2014

For Those About To Rock


How's your week been so far. Mine has been fairly busy what with one thing and another and the rest of the week is fairly busy too.

I'm sharing a card I made for a friend's daughter to give her Dad. They have a standing argument about which band is better. Slayer or One Direction so under the Slayer album cover I've hidden a OD album cover. I'll leave you to decide which side I'd come down on but I'll give you a clue... I'd rather rip my ears off than listen to OD.

Wall of Sound - Dr Digi

 Colouring Medium

Bo Bunny (I think)

Card Candy

Corner Rounder

 Thanks for dropping by today.


Fiona said...

a wee song came into my head when I saw your title....we salute you!! Can't remember who sang that but it was one of those heavy ones!

Fabby card...and I too am not an OD fan!!


Sammy said...

That is brilliant! Love the card (and I'm thinking I may have to go source that image...) and I so have to agree with you... OD does *not* get played in this house. Even by the teenage girl! lol. x

Sammy said...

Oh and Fi? You're thinking of AC/DC! Who *do* get played (A lot!) in this house, lol. x

Chris said...

Fabulous masculine card! ...errr guess you're not a big fan of OD then! My eldest granddaughter was give a karaoke machine and OD cd for her birthday...sheer hell for the ears!!!

Sue B said...

Oh this is brilliant Susan.. such a fab image and the paper and candi are just perfect with it! I love the Album Cover!! glad you've hidden the OD one underneath though… I'm allergic to them!! Lol
Hope you're having a great evening!
Big hugs
Sue B xx

Wendy Nicola Jackson said...

Ooh, my hubby would LOVE this! Always looking for a cool stamp for my rocker dude. Fab card, layout and love the stamp. Hugs, Wends x

Focus on What Matters

Hello. This is image is a fairly new Sylvia Zet  Whimsy  image called Be Beautiful. I wanted the image to stand out so I've gone very CA...