Friday, 25 January 2013

Totally Papercrafts Challenge

Morning all. It's time for a new challenge at Totally Papercrafts and this time it's the turn of the lovely Sue to set the theme and she has chosen

Let's Dance

No card from me today though as this week it's Team B's turn to provide your inspiration. 

When I saw the theme I thought that I'd never have been able to do a card for this but it's easier than you think and I might actually have a go ;) (not sure why I was trying to make it more complicated than it actually is). Have a look at the blog to see the inspiration from Team B and you'll see what I mean.

So, couples dancing, ballet dancers, morris dancers.... let's see those dancing cards. 

Might be back later with a card. 

 Susan xxx

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Focus on What Matters

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