Thursday, 1 November 2012

Some News

So, have you noticed a new blinkie appear on the side of my blog?! I am absolutely delighted to tell you that  I have been picked by Jackie and Tina to be on the DT for Love to Create. I am so excited and can't wait to get started.  My first DT post will be on Monday so check back then to see what I've created.


See you tomorrow for my Totally Papercrafts DT card.


Susan xx


Doreen said...


Caroline said...

Congratulations Susan Welldone. Caroline xxx

Judith said...

congratulations Susan - very well deserved hugs judith x

Keep It Sweet and Simple said...

Congrats on your new DT spot, Susan.
I haven't seen this challenge before so I'll be checking it out on Monday.
Caroline xxx

Jenny said...

Huge Congrats Susan. hugs x

Wendy said...

Congratulations Susan, well done.
Hugs Wendy xx

Fiona said...

woo hoo...go you!! Well done Susan on your new DT spot.


Liz McGuire, said...

Congratulations! Must check out that challenge,

Liz x

Kim said...

Congrats! They are lucky to have you.

MagsB said...

Congratulations, that's great news!

love Mags B x

xxxtglxxx said...

Congratulations and well done! :) You will be brilliant hun!



Focus on What Matters

Hello. This is image is a fairly new Sylvia Zet  Whimsy  image called Be Beautiful. I wanted the image to stand out so I've gone very CA...