Monday, 17 September 2012


What a weekend! Spent Saturday afternoon baking. With "help".... yeah, you get the picture don't you?!

And why did I spend the afternoon baking?! Well, yesterday was the Cartha Kids Rugby Festival so our cake stall needed filling. Craig would have had me keep going but I ran out of butter and, if I'm honest, energy! (and Strictly was on on Saturday evening)

This is a photo of Scott (Usain) that Craig took and I only discovered it on my phone this morning but what a great photo it is!

And this is our cake stall. Complete with the bunting that I made in the Cartha colours. The photo was taken by Gillian of Jan and Carol on the stall setting up as I was on duty at communion yesterday morning. This was also before the stall (bunting and us) got a bit battered by the elements.

Thanks for dropping by today. 

Back tomorrow with my Creative Crafts DT card.

Hugs. Susan xxx


Unknown said...

Hi Susan - what great photos - love the bunting and the cakes look yummy!!


Sue said...

Sounds like you have had a busy weekend Susan.
I love the photos, thanks for sharing


An Occasional Genius said...

Fab photo indeed, Usain & David Bailey as kids, can't be bad lol!! You should have let me know, there were chocolate Brownie Muffins going begging at my house!

Erm is it just me or is there a 'T' missing in your bunting? 'Fess up who's got the dodgy spelling?! xx

Jenny said...

It is always nice to see the lives of others - love that! Ta heaps for sharing. hugs x

Focus on What Matters

Hello. This is image is a fairly new Sylvia Zet  Whimsy  image called Be Beautiful. I wanted the image to stand out so I've gone very CA...