Sunday, 9 September 2012

Birthday Candy

This is a sticky post - please scroll down for newer posts.

Well, not my birthday. It'll be Andy's birthday on 9th September and in honour of that and the fact that there are now over 100 of you on this crazy blog ride with me I thought I'd offer you some candy. 

I've thought about this long and hard and decided to go with your choice of a couple of digis from Saturated Canary.

The candy is open to followers only and will close at 10pm on Sunday 9th September.

Mr Linky should be attached to this post for you to leave your name and the winner will be chosen at random after the closing date.

Hugs. Susan xxx


Sandra said...

Kept that quiet.
Hugs Sandra xx

Wendy said...

Happy Birthday Andy for the 9th...Thanks for the chance Susan fab candy.
Wendy xx

Wendy said...

Happy Birthday Andy for the 9th...Thanks for the chance Susan fab candy.
Wendy xx

MagsB said...

Happy birthday, Andy! And congrats to you on all your followers! Thanks for the chance to win, hun!

love Mags B x

Sue said...

I hope Andy has a fab birthday. Thanks for the chance to win Susan, that is very kind of you.

Hugs Sue

Alyce Kit and Clowder said...

Sooo beautiful!!! I love how you have coloured her and what a beautiful layout...stunning work! :)

Susie said...

Oooooh, lovely! Thanks, Susan x

Shazza said...

Happy Birthday to your hubby for the 9th and well done you on 100 followers. Gorgeous card and great candy too, you know I love Krista's work x

Lisa T said...

Wow, fab prize!
Happy Birthday to Andy! Hope it's a great birthday. :)

Fiona said...

happy birthday Susan's Andy...what a fabby candy...keeping my fingers crossed.


Wishcraft said...

Thanks for the chance to win your fab candy hun :o) Hugs, Lisa x

Pop's Cards said...

Hey sweetie, this is absolutely gorgeous, a perfect creation sweetie, huggles Pops x x x

Andrea said...

thanks for the chance to win the great candy and happy anniversary x

xxxtglxxx said...

Aww, what a lovely way to celebrate! :) Congrats on 100+ followers hun!



Unknown said...

Hi Susan, what a very kind gesture - hope hubby has a great birthday!

Can I go into your hat too? Goodness what an image the creates!!!


KraftyKoolKat said...

Happy Birthday Andy. Thanks Susan for the chance of this super candy. Well done on your followers.


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