Tuesday, 31 January 2012

I may have mentioned this before

I hate Tuesdays! They're just like Sundays for people who work Monday to Friday!! It is also very very very very very cold (I can't actually express how cold I am), I'm thinking of going to put my hat, coat and gloves on I'm so cold! And that's with the heating on. Got loads to do tonight, so had better crack on and get it done. A card to share with you, it's for my friend's wee boy whose birthday was a couple of weeks ago - I only just managed to remember to send his card and present to work today with Andy so hopefully he has it now and has opened it.

NO NEW PRODUCTS WERE HARMED IN THE MAKING OF THIS CARD.... Use it Up 2012! Challenges - Lili's Little Fairies - Oh Boy Image - Lili of the Valley, coloured with Promarkers Cardstock - Real Red, Old Olive, Pacific Point, Stampin Up Paper - Celebrations (retired), Stampin Up Embellisments - buttons from stash


Susan xx

Monday, 30 January 2012

Off out

No, don't get excited. I am off to a parent council meeting tonight! Be finished around 9 and then I will pick Craig up from Junior Section and get home.

Got loads of cards to make this week so if you see me hanging about shout at me!

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Sunday already

How can that be? Been a busy weekend - I was helping out at my friend Lorraine's Stamp A Stack class yesterday. It was good fun with a good bunch of ladies and we all had a laugh! The cards they made were all lovely. If only I had thought to take photos of someone's cards. I have been busy colouring in Rosie tonight as Cathy and Debbi have been nagging me.... She hasn't quite made it on to a card tonight but I'm hopeful that she will either by the end of tonight or tomorrow. The big news is the Christmas decorations have moved from their home in the corner of the living room (well, that's what it felt like) back into the cupboard. They had all been taken down and put in the corner but because I was ill they never made back in the cupboard and we just haven't had a minute since then. They're gone now and before we know it they will be back again. Have you seen this candy? Susan xx

Friday, 27 January 2012

Debbi's Birthday Candy

My lovely friend Debbi (whose birthday it is today!) is having a Birthday Candy offer... go and check out her blog, she has some lovely promakers and a set of stamps from Ladybug Crafts Ink on offer. Oh and while you're there, wish her a happy birthday!!


It's almost the end of the week! Having been out every night since Rosie and her pal arrived I haven't had a chance to play so I brought them to work with an acrylic block, card and promarkers so that I could do some stamping at lunchtime. The only thing I forgot was something to clean the stamps with so no stamping for me just now :-(

Monday, 23 January 2012

Look who has come to stay with me

My lovely friend Cathy sent me these as a wee present to cheer me up after feeling poorly! Thank you soo much sweetie, I really appreciate it. Mwah. Xxx

Wonder what I will be doing tonight now ;-)

Sunday, 22 January 2012

An award and a card...

Wow, I have received an award... TADA!!!!

I'd like to thank, the director,the producer, the cast, the crew... lol. No, seriously, I'd like to thank my lovely friend Helen for giving me this award. Helen's blog is lovely (actually she has two one at Bee's Knees and another at Carry On Crafting. Go and show her some love! The idea of the Liebster Blog Award is to spread the love from one small blog (under 200 followers) to other small blogs. This helps to spread knowledge and readership Liebster" in German means "dearest", so as part of the Liebster award tradition, I am going to pass this award to 5 blogs that I value, and that have both inspired and motivated me. To accept the award, you must: 1) Link back to the person who gave it and thank them for thinking of you. 2) Post the award to your blog. 3) Give the award to 5 bloggers (with less than 200 followers) that you appreciate and value. 4) Leave a comment on the blogs of the five people you have chosen to let them know. So these are the 5 I would like to pass the award to:- Firstly to Ali. Ali is fab, she is the person solely responsible for me blogging on a regular basis. We met (for the first time, although had "chatted" online) at the SECC in March last year and she nagged me cos she'd been checking my blog and it wasn't updated very regularly. Now even if you want to just pop over to her blog and give her a hard time for that.... No, her blog is fab and she is the master of CAS and WoW, I bow to her expertise. Secondly to Katrina. Now I only discovered Katrina's blog yesterday although we have been friends on Facebook for ages! We're both members of the Sugar Nellie Facebook group so you will see a lot of SN images on her blog but they're all fab. Go and check her out. Next to Abi. Abi is my "boss" over at Sweet Stampin'! Her cards are fab and she is also, like me, signed up to Use it Up in 2012. She was very good in the run up to Christmas with her nagging texts to me to get some cards made... Do you sense a pattern emerging here, I need a lot of nagging to do things ;) Now to Sarah who is also on the DT at Sweet Stampin'. The images on her recent cards have made me laugh (go and see what I mean) and she has also signed up to UiU in 2012 too. Sarah, has, very bravely put photos of her stash on her blog. Braver than I am certainly. I'd be too terrified to take photos. Lastly to Lorraine who tries to nag (sorry, inspire) me on a daily basis. Her favourite Stampin' Up stamp set is French Foliage so you might just see a few cards which use that as a base on her blog ;) Thank you to you all ladies, for inspiring me and helping me, perhaps more than you will ever know. Now to a card. This was the second of the cards I made for the Sweet Stampin Challenge this week but Pippi was my favourite so I'm afraid Pillow Talk lost out. I like it more than I did the other day although I'm still not sure about it. Image - Pillow Talk coloured with Promarkers, Funky Kits Cardstock and paper from stash Embellishments - Gems, Stampin Up Tools - Nestie Labels and Big Shot Hugs.Susan xxx

It's oh so quiet

The kids didn't come home last night...

That's not really as bad as it sounds. Sandra was ill at Hogmanay so didn't make the party at Yvonne's house so decided to have a wee party last night. It ended up with all 6 children staying over up there. So I don't imagine that it's very quiet there.

Am enjoying the peace and quiet as Andy still in bed too. I am sure there things I could be doing but am sitting watching er instead ;-)

Back later with a card.

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Sweet Stampin' Challenge

Can't believe two weeks have gone by since my last DT card for Sweet Stampin' . This week we're looking for your "White on White" creations..... Again our monthly sponsor is Joanna Sheen with a monthly prize of £10 gift voucher to spend in Joanna's shop and this week our weekly sponsor is Bunny Zoe who are offering a £10 gift voucher too! This is my creation! I have used Pippi Longsocks and this is the first time I have inked her up *hangs head*. Don't tell Elaine though as Pippi is one of her favourites!! I think we could be seeing a few more cards featuring Pippi though as she is soo cute. And not only that I delved into my stash - ok I know it's only white card but still, it came from the scrap box! Remember to pop by the Sweet Stampin' blog to see the other fabby WoW creations that the DT have left for you and go and give them some bloggy love too.

Image - Pippi Longsocks coloured with Promarkers, Funkykits Cardstock - from stash embossed with Cuttlebug embossing folder Embellishments - sentiment from stash, Glamour Dust Tools - Big Shot Challenges Try it On Tuesday - Do You Believe in Fairies Moving Along With The Times - Things With Wings I Love Promarkers - Anything Goes The Crafty Pad - New Year Sparkle Flutterby Wednesday - Open Joanna Sheen - Celebrations Charisma Cardz - Clean and Simple Hugs.Susan xxx

Friday, 20 January 2012

First week back

Well after the tonsilitis of last week I was back to work on Wednesday and have made it through the week now.

I am completely knackered and can't wait to get my pjs on and go to bed! Still can't move without coughing fit but they are getting less and less so that must be a good sign. And slowly but surely my appetite is returning. Maybe this time next week I will be back to normal and Mr Mojo will have come back from his holidays to inspire me on the crafting front.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Elaine's Sugary Candy

Elaine has a smart new look to her blog and to celebrate has some sugary candy on offer to her followers. Hugs.Susan xxx

I am still alive

but only just lol!! The tonsilitis has gone but has been replaced by an annoying cough which sends me into a 20 minute coughing fit every time I move, which is fun. So as promised what seems like weeks ago is the second card I have made this year and the second card that I don't like! Maybe it will be 3rd time lucky eh? Image - Chillax, Funky Kits coloured with Promarkers, Sentiment, Ladybug Crafts Ink Cardstock and paper from stash UIU 2012 ;) Tools - Edge punch, EK Success Hugs.Susan xxx

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Sweet Stampin Challenge

Another week, another challenge over at Sweet Stampin and this week the challenge is ♥Glitter/shine/bling♥ I have to be honest, I'm glad this isn't one of my weeks, you know how girly I am...... Our January sponsor is Joanna Sheen and Joanna is offering one lucky winner picked at random from each challenge in the month a £10 gift certificate to spend in her store.

And this week we're also sponsored by Emerald Fairies who are giving one lucky winner picked at random 2 digis of their choice

What are you waiting for? Go over to the Sweet Stampin blog and check out the cards the DT have left you for inspiration, and while you're at it why not visit their blogs too, you won't be disappointed :) Hugs.Susan xxx

Thursday, 12 January 2012

DT Call at Sweet Stampin'

Sweet Stampin' are having a DT call!! Further details are over on the Sweet Stampin blog. Go on, what have you got to lose. Susan xx

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Well then...

When I started feeling unwell on Saturday I never thought I would still be unwell on Wednesday!

Unfortunately I have tonsillitis and it has completely floored me. On the up side I haven't eaten anything so the weigh in this week should be good.

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Sweet Stampin' Challenge

Well, it's that time of the week again. Time for a new challenge over at Sweet Stampin'. This week we want to see your "SPOTS AND DOTS". We are sponsored by Crafty Ribbons and The Stamp Fairy. Now, I have to be honest... I thought this would be easy. It wasn't!! This is the second card I have made this year and the second one that I don't like (you'll see the other one on Monday). I really hope things improve otherwise it's not going to be a very creative year... On the upside though as I am now a signed up member of UIU 2012 I shopped in my stash and discovered a stamp with Oriental writing on it which I thought would be good for this. Please go and visit the Sweet Stampin blog and then in turn to each of my teamies and leave them some bloggy love. I know you're going to love what they've done with "Spots and Dots". Image -Panda Paul, Stamp Fairy (coloured with Promarkers), Oriental Writing, Kaisercraft Cardstock and paper from stash Ink - Early Espresso, Stampin Up Hugs.Susan xxx

Friday, 6 January 2012

A card and present (but not two of mine)

I wanted to share with you the Christmas card I received from my lovely friend Cass and the notebook that I received from Lis Murphy in the RAK from the Sugar Nellie Facebook group. Both are gorgeous and so much more lush irl than these photos would give them credit for. I almost don't want to use Lis' book cos I don't want to spoil it but I shall think of something to put in it soon.... So I started Slimming World last night - a friend of mine who has lost almost 5 stone started a new group last night in our church so really I had no excuse not to go. I shall let you know next Thursday how the weigh in goes!
Hugs.Susan xxx

Tuesday, 3 January 2012


With the arrival of Hurricane Helpmaboab we appear to be stuck in Edinburgh. Fingers crossed it passes soon, Andy at work tomorrow and for once I didn't pack enough clothes for a fortnight.

Monday, 2 January 2012

Sleepless in Edinburgh

Doesn't really have same ring as Seattle but never mind. We are through visiting Andy's brother for the night. Andy was at football earlier so boys and I came through mid afternoon. Between Andy and his brother there is one of them happy with this afternoon's score. And it's not Andy!

I have brought some crafting mags with me in the hope that inspiration will strike as I have some cards to make when we get home tomorrow.

But before all that it's the final of the darts tonight. Can't wait. Should be a good game. Come on Hamilton!!

Susan x

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Use it Up!

Oooh now there is a challenge! Using up your stash in 2012. Are you up to the challenge?! I am going to try very hard to go shopping in my stash this year. Over at Fran's blog there's a list of guidelines to help you through this challenge. Can I do it? Well, we'll see in 365 days won't we? Hugs.Susan xxx

Happy New Year

Well 2012 has arrived.

I hope it's a good one for you all!

Much love Susan xxx

Bunny Chit Chat

Hello. This cute wee bunny seems to be chatting to friends.  This  Whimsy  image by Sassy Cheryl is such a cutie!  Bunny Chit Chat and Every...