Sunday, 18 March 2012

Happy Mother's Day

and to those who don't have a Mum any more, do what I did and raise a cuppa to them!

Thought I would give my blog over today to photos of what the boys made for me*.  * you may require hankies.

First is a little box from Craig containing nothing but his love for me.

The poem reads

This is a special gift
That you can never see.
The reason it's so special
It's just for you from me.

Whenever you're feeling lonely
Or even feeling blue,
You only have to hold this gift
And know I think of you.

You should never unwrap it.
Please leave the ribbon tied.
Hold the box close to your heart,
It's full of love inside.
From Craig x

Did you need your hankies?

This next gift is a gift from Scott that he made at Anchor Boys. Now as I am an officer in the Anchor Boys and designed the craft and made it with the boys it wasn't much of a surprise but I know it was still made with love and it's beautiful. (and Scott doesn't like M&M's so I can eat them all myself apparently)....

So thank you boys. I love my gifts (and the flowers and chocolates) but these handmade ones are the most precious. I love you.

Whatever you are doing today I hope you have a good one.

Hugs. Susan xxx


Lannie said...

sniff sniff xx

Kim said...

That is the sweetest! what a great poem. I remember when my girls were little and used to make me cards, I saved them all. Enjoy! Mother's Day for us in in May and since I no longer have a mom, my sister and I will definitely toast to her memories!

Nikbee said...

Wonderful gifts. I love the poem. My girls made me cards and I will treasure them. I agree, handmade gifts are definitely the most precious.
Nikki x

xxxtglxxx said...

Oh my gosh - I got goosebumps!

Just. Wonderful. :)



Unknown said...

Hankie out and duly wiping wet eyes, Susan!

Just so adorable and from boys as well!!


Sweet Stampin' Challenge

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