Sunday, 21 June 2009

Where did the weekend go?

Can't believe it's nearly over already. That said, this time next week I can look forward to a lie on the Monday and Tuesday when the boys have finished school and nursery! Got loads of cards to make over the next couple of weeks before I go away as I've got 3 birthdays while I'm on holiday so they need to be done so I can take them with me and post them while I'm away. Did a page last night with this month's Scrapangels kit. I was quite pleased with it. I'd be more pleased though, if I could take a photo of it and post it. Hopefully I'll get a new camera before I go on holiday so I can get some of my crafting stuff up here.

Saturday, 20 June 2009

14 sleeps

till we go on holiday :D Off to (hopefully) Sunny Scarborough Thinking of taking some craft stuff with me so I can be productive in the evenings when the boys have gone to bed. Been a very quiet day today. Did some tidying and made a couple of Father's Day cards for the boys to give Andy. Father's day always makes me feel slightly sad cos my Dad isn't here to enjoy it. He would have loved sharing it with his grandsons too. Sadly it was not to be.

Wednesday, 17 June 2009


Bit of a disaster on the scrapping front last night. Made a lovely page and then spoiled it by doodling! I did tell Sandra that I couldn't doodle but she didn't believe me - she does now ;o) Anyway after I took Sandra home last night (or very early this morning) I painstakingly took all the elements off the page and stuck them on new cardstock. It looks much better now. I'd take a photo but my camera is playing up atm so I can't :o(
To make do here are Scott and I at Pollok Park a couple of weeks ago!
Susan xx

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

In a few short hours

I'll be off on the nursery trip with Scott. What have I done? Why did I volunteer? Must have been a moment of madness ;o) Made a card for a friend's birthday today (well technically yesterday) but stupidly forgot to take a photo of it so I have nothing to show! D'oh. Been out tonight with my lovely friend Ruth trying to help her choose an outfit for a couple of weddings she has this summer. Not sure I was much help though as we didn't actually manage to buy anything!! We did see a few nice dresses in Monsoon. We had coffee at Starbucks and then coffee back at Ruth's - I'm buzzing now, not sure I'll get to sleep any time soon!

Saturday, 13 June 2009

Auto Immune or Lupus...

Been really busy the last couple of days... no idea where the time has gone. Had a really crap day at work yesterday. Spent all day training a couple of people to be told at 4.15pm that the whole thing had been completely pointless. I could rant much more than that but I'll leave it for now. Went to a BBQ last night at a local church - it was a really good night. The boys loved being out in the open air and being allowed to stay up late. There was another wee boy there so the 3 of them had a great time playing football. Just catching up on House at the moment.. hence the title ;o)

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

What a day

yesterday was. Kids were off school and nursery for an inservice day and were out playing in a friend's garden. They came back over when Scott had fallen off a swing and hit is head on the concrete - there was lots of blood!! I used the old millionaire touch and phoned a friend. I'm ever so grateful to Sandra and Pete who were much better in the crisis! Pete (poor man was on a day off) took Scott and me down to A&E. Scott's head was glued back together and he's now very proud of his war wound. Don't know how I'm going to survive 7 weeks summer holidays.....

Sunday, 7 June 2009

I did it!

Did the Race for Life this morning. Some friends and I walked it this morning, we had a great laugh. There were so many people there it took us 36 minutes to get through the start line!! Haven't done much in the week that I haven't blogged. Haven't done much crafting (or taken photos of the crafting that I have done. Gotta go, a child has just got up out of bed.

Bunny Chit Chat

Hello. This cute wee bunny seems to be chatting to friends.  This  Whimsy  image by Sassy Cheryl is such a cutie!  Bunny Chit Chat and Every...